Saturday, January 29, 2011

CNN: Cairo police arsenals raided, looted by thugs

Widely CNN-on-the-scene (Ben Wedeman) cited quote in recent hours, re Cairo, Egypt:
Washington Post, citing CNN:
There have been a number of accounts indicating that there is almost no police or military presence on the street; keeping order has apparently fallen to ordinary citizens. CNN reporter Ben Wedeman wrote on Twitter, "Almost all police stations ransacked, arsenals looted. Suddenly weapons in the streets wielded by thugs. Where is the army?"
Al Jazeera reports:
"Ayman Mohyeldin reports that eyewitnesses have said "party thugs" associated with the Egyptian regime's Central Security Services -- in plainclothes but bearing government-issued weapons -- have been looting in Cairo. Ayman says the reports started off as isolated accounts but are now growing in number."
Wael Abbas, an Egyptian journalist and online activist, said on Twitter that reports of looting are exaggerated by state-run media to convince protesters to go home.

1 comment:

Egypt revlution said...

Is this a start of the world war 3 `?