Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Benincasa announces her move to Huffington Post's 236

Sara Benincasa announced today, in an American flag-wrap, on her youtube site that she is suspending her Sarah Palin imitations on youtube and she is moving her comedy to the Huffington Post ("HuffPo") comedy site, 23/6.
In a way, this is just as well. While she does a funnier Palin than Fey does --she writes her own material-- possibly the funniest Palin is Palin herself. The only problem is that the thought of Palin's having the nuclear codes is disturbing.
The 23/6 has its first made-for-236 Benincasa as Palin vlog, "Debate Prep."

1 comment:

Sara Benincasa said...

Thanks for posting! Actually, they will still be on YouTube...the brand-new ones just won't be on my channel, they'll be over at http://www.youtube.com/236. We've now got two up ("Katie Couric" and "Debate Prep.") And there will be a new one each day for at least a couple weeks. (We hope they let us do more!)

Thanks for supporting our stuff. We really do appreciate it.

Sara B.