Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Meghan McCain Republican ... the Millennial Makeover:

You cannot often give a thumbs up to someone that coins a term with their own name in it. But you can with Meghan McCain.

Huffington Post reports that she has identified herself as a pro-sex, pro-life, pro-gay Republican. If there is any hope for the GOP beyond the Deep South and a few Plains States, it's in the libertarian crowd that wants their individual liberty and their profits. The mid-20s blogger with a famous last name has created the right sound byte for the party.

* * *
Two fellows at the New Democratic Network have aptly identified the new force behind the changes happening in electoral politics in America. Their term, the title of Morley Winograd and Michael Hais' book says it: "Millennial Makeover: MySpace, YouTube, and the Future of American Politics."
They laid out their view of technology and the political heft of this new generation, expressing this on the immediate eve of last November's election of Barack Obama:
"...realignments like these are predictable events, with clear causes and clear outcomes in electoral results, voting behavior, and public policy. They occur every two generations when a large, outgoing, and politically active generation comes of age and a new, dominant communications medium emerges to mobilize that generation. America's last realignment came from the emergence of the idealistic, but highly divided, Baby Boom Generation in the late 1960s, and its fondness for television. The one before that was produced by the coming of age of the achievement-oriented GI Generation in the 1930s and FDR’s use of radio to unify its support for his New Deal.

This year’s realignment will result from the emergence of the Millennial Generation (Americans born between 1982 and 2003) and the Internet-based, social networking media on which Millennials rely. There are now nearly one hundred million Americans in this generational cohort according to the United States census. That makes them larger than America’s previous generational record holder, Baby Boomers who were born between 1946 and 1964. There are at least twice as many Millennials as there are members of Generation X, those born between 1965 and 1981. Almost forty percent of the Millennial Generation will be eligible to vote in 2008. Their political energy and the sharp increases in voter turnout among young people in states across the country have already transformed the Democratic nominating contest and will continue to be the single biggest force for change in American politics for decades to come."

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