Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Video: Michael Moore (in Fin'l Dist.) joins Barr and Olbermann as Major Figures for Occupy Wall Street Protestors; 2 Days After Police Violence


Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore joined Occupy Wall Street Protestors at Zuccotti Park, just blocks north of Wall Street, on the evening of Monday, September 26, 2011.
Go to lower half of article for coverage of Saturday, Sept. 24 protests and New York Police Department violence against protestors.

Video is available in this link. The audio is frustrating, owing to the ban on megaphones. The audience responds with a repeated response, akin to that of a religious congregation repeating a prayer.
The key parts of Moore's statement:
"100 years from now people will remember that you came down to this plaza and started this movement." He said, surrounded by protesters echoing it all. "Thank you very much. I am honoured to be in your presence."
At another point he said,
"I'm so impressed by what I see here. You have done something very historic and very important. It had to happen somewhere, it might as well be here."
"I want to see the people responsible for destroying the lives of millions of people in handcuffs; and led away to justice."
Transcription from Suite101.

Earlier in the week Roseanne Barr gave a rousing supportive speech on September 17, Day 1 of the protests. (See previous blog post on this blog.)

And Keith Olbermann on September 21 criticized the mainstream media for blacking out the hot story of the intense street protests of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

* * * *

Desperate late capitalism unraveling: NYPD brutality against peaceful Free Speech protestors on Day 8 of Occupy Wall Street Protests

Saturday, September 24, 2011 New York Police Department officers got brutal against protestors in New York City's Union Square, which is just north of Greenwich Village.

Highlights, or low-lights, are
*police dragging people in connection to arrests (especially see 3:28 on the video): See "Sharpest 11:41."
*WABC-TV news coverage of the brutality
*NYPD macing or pepper-spraying women protestors. Note how the positions of woman keeled over, screaming (at 1:01), is reminiscent of the 1970 Kent State University protests over the Vietnam War.

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