Monday, July 22, 2013

Yahoo News: Most Egregious States For Speeding Tickets In The US

There's a valuable new column, BOLD RIDE, at Yahoo News.

The author named several states and their egregious tricks for saddling drivers with onerous fees.

The Most Egregious States For Speeding Tickets In The US

I’ve lived in Massachusetts for most of my life. I racked up a handful of minor traffic violations here over the last 25 years, but when I moved to Vermont, I seemed to be getting popped for violations once every couple of months. It was a combination of driving more during odd hours, and a lot of cops with nothing better to do. Those factors influence what state you’re likely to get a ticket in, too, and how expensive it’s likely to be.
Most Expensive First Offense: (Tie) Georgia, Illinois, North Carolina, Nevada and New Hampshire
These five states all hold drivers liable for a fine of up to $1,000 for a first offense.
Read on at the original post for "The Most Egregious States For Speeding Tickets In The US."

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