The Canadian Invasion can't come soon enough! Liberate us from outrageously expensive private healthcare, liberate us from Donald Trump.
The New York Post posted a review of sorts a year ago of a book on Canadian and U.S. plans to invade each other during different parts of the Nineteenth Century.
A federal judge in New York has set an initial date on which the two sides must appear in court, December, a month after Trump faces the presidential election.
Federal Judge Ronnie Abrams has ordered that the status conference hearing for 16 December in a New York court.
The British newspaper also reported,
A federal judge has ordered a status conference hearing after a woman filed a lawsuit claiming Donald Trump raped her when she was 13-years-old in 1994.
In the lawsuit a witness, identified by the pseudonym Tiffany Doe, alleges she saw Mr Trump and billionaire-paedophile Jeffrey Epstein repeatedly rape the plaintiff, identified as Jane Doe.
The complaint claims Epstein hired an unidentified woman to pick up teenage girls to bring to his parties.
The lawsuit,
filed in the U.S. District Court of New York, alleges that Trump and
financier Jeffrey Epstein raped two underage girls at several parties at
Epstein’s apartment in Manhattan. The girls, identified in court
documents as “Tiffany Doe” and “Jane Doe,” were allegedly promised money
and modeling careers if they attended the parties.
The details
described in the document are graphic. At one party, Trump is accused of
tying one of the young girls to the bed before raping her while the
victim repeatedly plead with him to stop.
Gloria Allred Says More Women Are Contacting Her About Trump Misconduct
The lawyer, who has represented victims in high profile sex offender cases, that she is seeking more women who have been victimized by Republican Party nominee Donald Trump.
Gloria Allred, the civil rights lawyer who takes on high-profile targets, like Bill Cosby, Roman Polanski and, yes, Trump, confirmed to us that since the Access Hollywood tape's release, she has been "contacted by women who allege inappropriate contact by Mr. Trump."
From the Gothamist, yesterday, October 10, 2016:
More to the point, Allred discussed how Trump's words suggest
criminal behavior. "If there is an unwanted or unconsented to touching
of a person’s intimate parts such as the genital areas or a woman’s
breasts, that could constitute a sexual assault or a sexual battery,"
she explained yesterday. She added that "when Rudy Giuliani was asked" on Sunday's political programs
"if Donald Trump was describing a sexual assault on the recently
released 2005 video, he responded, 'That’s what he was talking about.'"
Allred said, "I am disgusted by what Donald Trump said and admitted that
he had done on that video. An apology is not enough."
The Access Hollywood tape was discovered after the AP's report featuring former crew members on Trump's reality show, The Apprentice,
describing his demeaning behavior towards women; in one example, he
allegedly judges female contestants' breast sizes and discusses which
women he'd want to have sex with. Allred released a statement last week, citing the numerous sexual harassment lawsuits
and his lecherous behavior: "If Mr. Trump were to be elected president
he would be the employer of the largest workforce in the country,
federal government employees. Mr. Trump in that role would be sending a
message through his past words and actions that sexual harassment of
women in the workplace is acceptable and this could lead to other
employers believing that they can follow Mr. Trump’s lead and openly
sexually harass their female employees, thereby creating and condoning a
hostile workplace for working women."
We need a
President who respects the rights of women in the workplace not someone
who creates a hostile and sexist environment for women who work and not
someone like Mr. Trump who believes pregnancy is an inconvenience for
employers; and who enables sexism.
I call on Donald Trump to release all of his employees and former
employees from their non-disclosure clauses so that they can tell the
public what they suffered when they had the unfortunate experience of
working for Donald Trump, and I urge him to promise not to retaliate
against them if they tell the truth.
Donald Trump once made a remark to TMZ about
me. He said "Gloria would be very very impressed" which TMZ suggested
in the context of the interview with him meant that I would be impressed
with his penis.
No Donald, I wouldn’t. What would impress me would be having Hillary
Rodham Clinton in the White House, not a man who blatantly denigrates
women in the workplace.
Allred, a Clinton supporter, was a delegate at the Democratic National Convention.
Disgraced Republican Party presidential nominee Donald Trump on Sunday paraded out the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault in the 1990s.
First, he did this at his press conference and then he did this at the town hall debate in St. Louis, attempting to seat them in the front row. As we see below, about 20 years ago, he cast Clinton as the victim of the women.
Now, it is horrendous if Bill Clinton committed sexual assault against the women. However, it seems just gratuitous and self-serving if Trump only brings up the issue in the eleventh hour of his campaign when his numbers are sliding.
Read what Trump said in 1998 about his accusers. He only seems to be concerned for the women's rights and dignity now that he is opposing Bill Clinton's wife in an election. As reported at WSGW, FM Talk 100.5 of Carrollton, Michigan, "Flashback: Donald Trump Called Bill Clinton’s Accusers ‘Terrible’ and ‘Unattractive’ and Former President ‘Terrific’":
But if you rewind to 1998, the Republican presidential nominee had a
very different view of the 42nd president, defending him as the real
“victim” in the wake of the fallout of the Monica Lewinsky scandal and
blasting the accusers as “terrible” and “unattractive.”
He also suggested that Clinton should have kept the scandal — which he said “should have been nothing — to himself.”
Days after President Clinton admitted to having an inappropriate
relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, Trump said
Clinton was a “victim” and critiqued the physical appearances of various
women with whom Clinton had been accused of having extramarital
relations at different times.
“It’s like it’s from hell, it’s a terrible group of people,” Trump
said in an interview with FOX News’ Neil Cavuto on Aug. 19, 1998.
Asked by Cavuto if Clinton’s image as a “quasi-sex symbol” stood to
somehow benefit from the alleged extramarital relations, Trump took
issue with the characterization.
“I don’t necessarily agree with his victims, his victims are
terrible,” Trump said. “He is really a victim himself. But he put
himself in that position.”
“The whole group, Paula Jones, Lewinsky, it’s just a really unattractive group. I’m not just talking about physical,” he said.
“Would it be any different if it were a supermodel crowd?” Cavuto then asked.
“I think at least it would be more pleasant to watch,” Trump replied.
More damning links on Trump's offensive sexual objectification: Jill Harth -who reports being raped by Trump / 'The Apprentice producer warns that worse material is coming / Trump's years of vulgar statements on the Howard Stern show / Trump barging in on Miss Universe dressing rooms / Creepy Trump statements about daughter Ivanka
The woman who Republican Party nominee Donald Trump said tried to rape her was speaking out yesterday, October 8. For details of the assault, read this Slate article from Friday, "The 1997 Lawsuit Alleging Trump Groped a Woman Just as He Bragged About on Video." (Of course, for legal reasons we should say "alleged," but can we doubt the claim, especially after all that we have heard this year about Trump's groping and sexually verbal abuse of women?)
In 1997, a makeup artist and former business associate named
Jill Harth alleged that Trump had groped her on multiple occasions. In
her suit, which you can read here, Harth described one of these advances as “attempted rape.” As the Guardianreported in July, that suit was dropped after Trump settled a separate business lawsuit with Harth’s partner George Houraney.
Harth, Houraney, and Trump were working on a pin-up
competition together when Trump allegedly began making sexual advances.
The project began in December 1992. According to Harth, in January 1993,
Trump's behavior escalated. In her 1997 deposition, written about
recently in the New York Times, Harth testified
that at a business dinner Trump “name-dropped throughout that [meal],
when he wasn’t groping me under the table.” Here’s how the lawsuit
described the incident:
Then, the lawsuit alleges, Trump tried to get Harth into his daughter’s bedroom alone. When he was with Harth in Ivanka Trump’s bedroom, Trump allegedly groped her again.
* * *
Given all the sickening things that we have heard that Trump has said and done, is it not time that we give serious attention and weight to the allegations that Trump raped a 13 year old child?
Here is the Huffington Post report just a few months ago on the allegations:
Just consider these points about the witness in the case. It is rare that there are witnesses in such cases willing to come forward. The earlier dismissals of the case demonstrate the power Trump has to get such suits dismissed. Notice how she is afraid of consequences from Trump. This fear would be well founded when you see how glibly Trump threatened to have one of his "friends" deal with Rosie O'Donnell's girlfriend. (See yesterday's post at this page.) Trump is alleged to have raped 13 year old girl in 1994, while Trump was at a party held by Jeffrey Epstein, a now convicted sex offender of underage girls.
Tiffany Doe
says that she recruited Jane Doe at the Port Authority in New York,
persuaded her to attend Mr. Epstein’s parties, and actually witnessed the sexual assaults on Jane Doe:
personally witnessed the Plaintiff being forced to perform various
sexual acts with Donald J. Trump and Mr. Epstein. Both Mr. Trump and
Mr. Epstein were advised that she was 13 years old.
It is exceedingly rare for a sexual assault victim to have a witness. But Tiffany Doe says:
personally witnessed four sexual encounters that the Plaintiff was
forced to have with Mr. Trump during this period, including the fourth
of these encounters where Mr. Trump forcibly raped her despite her
pleas to stop.
Tiffany Doe
corroborates, based on her own personal observations, just about
everything in Jane Doe’s complaint: that twelve year old Maria was
involved in a sex act with Mr. Trump, that Mr. Trump threatened the
life of Jane Doe if she ever revealed what happened, and that she would
“disappear” like Maria if she did.
Tiffany Doe herself says that she is in mortal fear of Mr. Trump to this day: I am coming forward to swear to the truthfulness of the physical
and sexual abuse that I personally witnessed of minor females at the
hands of Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein . . . I swear to these facts under
the penalty for perjury even though I fully understand that the life of
myself and my family is now in grave danger.
Given all this,
and based on the record thus far, Jane Doe’s claims appear credible.
Mr. Epstein’s own sexual crimes and parties with underage girls are
well documented, as is Mr. Trump’s relationship with him two decades
ago in New York City. Mr. Trump told a reporter
a few years ago: “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a
lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as
much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about
it, Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Powerfully, Jane Doe appears to have an eyewitness
to all aspects of her claim, a witness who appears to have put herself
in substantial danger by coming forward, because at a minimum Mr.
Epstein knows her true identity.
The New York Daily News reported in "Pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein told to be 'out of the country' ahead of book release" a few days ago that a book is due out tomorrow on the sordid life of Epstein. Unsurprisingly, Trump appears in the book, in an unflattering manner. Naturally, this will be a giant public relations disaster for the campaign and the Republican Party. Defiantly, Trump will not leave the race, so elected officials with the party have no choice other than to abandon him.
The blockbuster book is also expected to further embarrass celebs who
once partied with Epstein. Among the allegations that popped up when the
suits first started piling up against Epstein is a claim by an aspiring
model that Trump raped her in 1994, when she was 13. The bloviating
billionaire has vehemently denied the charge, which was voluntarily dismissed in September, but filed again earlier this week. A previous lawsuit by the same plaintiff was dismissed by a California federal court judge earlier this year.
Republican nominee Donald Trump's friend, Jeffrey Epstein
Jeffrey Epstein served 13 months in prison for soliciting an underage prostitute.
“It’s no coincidence that this book is coming out just before the election,” says our source.
Pruitt posted this on Twitter Saturday night, "As a producer on seasons 1 & 2 of #theapprentice I assure you: when
it comes to the #trumptapes there are far worse. #justthebegininng"
While some have speculated that Pruitt has a non-disclosure agreement, it is unclear whether or not this would apply to Pruitt or if a violation could be legally defended in the interest of the "public good."
Buzzfeed, among others, has swooped in to get the goods from Pruitt, if such goods actually exist. And judging by the footage with Access Hollywood's Billy Bush, it's no stretch of the imagination that another smoking gun video exists.
And before Friday's bombshell hot mike recordings of Trump's and Billy Bush's extremely lewd conversation and the widely disclosed vulgar actions towards women on 'Apprentice,' there were revelations of Trump's crude remarks earlier this year. For example, see this clip from Inside Edition, uploaded by the show on February 25, 2016, regarding Trump's late 1990s appearances:
Donald Trump's crass musings on women are now being unearthed. Buzzfeed
has published a rundown of the billionaire's comments from his
appearances on Howard Stern beginning in the late 1990s. "A person who
is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10," Trump told Stern. He also
said he found Angelina Jolie unattractive because of her lips. He spoke
often of Princess Diana, saying he could have bedded her. Trump also
said he wanted children with Melania, but he wouldn't spend time with
Washington Post, reporting Saturday, October 8, on how he spoke of how voluptuous his daughter Ivanka was, how 35 year old women were over the hill, how he was OK with having sex with 24 year old women.
ET Interviewer, referring to Donald Trump, Republican nominee: "What will you do if he becomes president? Is it time to leave the country?"
Rosie, looking directly at the camera,
"He will never be president!"
Maybe the real reason that Donald Trump doesn't like Rosie O'Donnell is that she did the best imitation of Trump during her on 'The View' - click here for the link to the 2006 video, and that was 10 years before Alec Baldwin did his on Saturday Night Live last week. She also criticized Trump for forgiving the party crazed coking (as in cocaine, not the soft drink) episode of beauty pageant crown winner, Tara Conner, Miss USA.
She lists out Trump's marital infidelities and then says mockingly, "And he's the moral compass for 20 year olds! Sit and spin, my friend."
Listen to how forward seeing she was, that she points out that he got off, scot-free for his multiple bankruptcies. And this was years before the rest of us and the media had caught wind of the fact that he's an incompetent in financial matters.
Further driving the dagger is that she pointed out that the inheritance from Daddy Fred (who died in 1999) is a main resource that got him on good financial footing after his 1990s business failures. "You know what saved him the second [bankruptcy] time, after his father died he paid off all his bankruptcy. This is not a self-made man."
"This guy is like one of those snake oil salesmen on 'Little House on the Prairie.'"
Trump, just like he's doing in 2016 to Alicia Machado, he kept up the attack, and went on 'Anderson360' to attack. He lied when Anderson Cooper asked for him to address his multiple bankruptcies.
See this other video, on 'Anderson Live,' with a guest host filling in for Cooper. In this 2012, O'Donnell reported that the Trump Steakhouse in Las Vegas got a C health rating.
The largest concentration of Zika cases in the United States is in and around Dade County, which may be spared the direct impact of the storm, but a huge rain event like Matthew quite obviously would leave massive amounts of standing water within which Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that carried the virus, could breed and thrive.
(A large part of the hot zone is at an elevation of nine feet above sea level. Some predictions have the area being inundated by a 12-foot storm surge.)
And it is not just puddles, either. Think about how water can pool in piles of debris, and in scattered wreckage. Think about endless heaps of worthless household junk. Think about thousands of evacuees leaving the current hot zones in and around Miami. Now think about all the crews coming from all over the country to help with the recovery effort over the next several months, walking amid the debris, turning it over in the heat that always follows a hurricane. Now think about all those crews going back to Iowa or Maine.
The most direct precedent probably is the experience of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. A 2008 report from the Centers for Disease Control demonstrated how the mosquito-borne West Nile virus spiked in the immediate aftermath of the storm.
The immediate increase in cases may be attributed to increased human exposure to mosquitoes. Tens of thousands of persons in the hurricane-affected region were living in damaged housing or were waiting outside for days to be evacuated. The sudden decrease in WNND cases in the hurricane-affected areas 3 weeks after landfall could be attributed to reduced human exposure caused by eventual evacuation and aerial application of insecticides. The increase in WNND incidence in 2006 might also be due to increased human-mosquito exposure as a result of mosquito larval habitat creation (root ball voids from fallen trees, and flooded abandoned swimming pools), continued substandard living conditions, and increased outdoor reconstruction activities.
Matthew set a new record as the longest lived Category 4 (or higher) Atlantic hurricane in October — 84 hours.
By Monday, it had already “generated the most accumulated cyclone energy” of any Atlantic hurricane ever recorded in the eastern Caribbean.
As a result, the 2016 hurricane season has “already generated the most accumulated cyclone energy in the Atlantic in October since 2005” (the year of Katrina, Rita, and Wilma).
Hurricane Matthew is super strong — because of climate change
“Category 4 and 5 hurricanes could double or triple in the coming decades,” expert warns.
Hurricane Matthew is slowly approaching the East Coast where it is expected to wreak havoc with storm surge, wind, and rain. Matthew has already set a number of records — and global warming is giving it a boost.
Hurricanes “extract heat energy from the ocean to convert it to the power of wind, and the warmer the ocean is, the stronger a hurricane can get if all other conditions that it needs to exist are present,” meteorologist and former hurricane hunter Jeff Masters explained last month on Living on Earth. “So, scientists are confident that as we continue to heat up the oceans, we’re going to see more of these high-end perfect storms.” LATEST FROM SE FLORIDA: parts could be uninhabitable for months -- Melbourne office of National Weather Service, as of early Friday morning --As of 2 AM storm bypassed SE coast, but it could hit Central coast of the state
Let’s look at some of the latest climate science. One 2013 paper found that “since 1975 there has been a substantial and observable regional and global increase in the proportion of Category 4–5 hurricanes of 25–30 percent per °C of anthropogenic global warming.” Another 2013 paper concluded that “dramatic changes in the frequency distribution of lifetime maximum intensity (LMI) have occurred in the North Atlantic,” and the stronger hurricanes “have become more intense.”
In other words, warming oceans create stronger hurricanes, like the one we’re seeing now.
Matthew spun up from a tropical storm to a Category 5 superstorm in an alarming 36 hours. The latest research says this is also a result of global warming. “Storms are intensifying at a much more rapid pace than they used to 25 years back,” explained the author of a 2012 study. “They are getting stronger more quickly and also [to a] higher category. The intensity as well as the rate of intensity is increasing.”
A 2015 study, “A climatological study of the effect of sea-surface temperature on North Atlantic hurricane intensification,” found a statistically significant relationship between higher intensification values and higher sea surface temperature [SST] values. “On average, mean intensification increases by 16 percent for every 1°C increase in mean SST.”
This warming-driven trend toward more rapid intensification [RI] is very worrisome. “The vast majority (79 percent) of major storms are RI storms,” and “the most intense storms are those that undergo RI,” according to a 2016 study.
The latest storm tracks for superstorm Matthew have it threatening the southeast coast.
Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska, British Petroleum ("BP") spill in the Gulf of Mexico ... They have been pretty rough. And now these are the poster cases for what is very risky with traditional petroleum fuel.
Now we have an out-of-country chemical spill in Pennsylvania that has prompted the hydrofracking (hyrdraulic fracturing or fracking) company to shut down its fracking operations in Pennsylvania.
"Fracking Spill In Pennsylvania Prompts Chesapeake Energy To Suspend Gas Drilling Across State."
A natural gas company has suspended "fracking" at all of its wells throughout Pennsylvania until it figures out the cause of a spill in the northern part of the state.
Chesapeake Energy Corp. said Thursday that crews have significantly reduced the flow of chemical-laced water from its out-of-control well near Canton in Bradford County.
Spokesman Brian Grove says that the exact cause of Tuesday night's breach is unknown, but that it's located in a wellhead connection.
Thousands of gallons of drilling fluids were spilled. They escaped containment, crossed over farm fields and went into a stream.
Grove says initial testing of area waterways has shown "minimal impact, if any."
Fracking is short for hydraulic fracturing and involves injecting chemicals into the ground to release natural gas.
And earlier this month (April 11) the New York Times reported that the very process of extracting any natural gas leaks methane gas into the environment (albeit, this gas dissipates into the air faster than other chemicals or compounds).
In Tom Zeller's "Studies Say Natural Gas Has Its Own Environmental Problems" scientists explain how the much promoted natural gas option is not the clean fuel that its promoters claim. Zeller's article quotes Cornell University ecology and environmental biology professor Robert Howarth on how there are methane losses from 3.6 to 7.9 percent.
The upshot?: "When all is factored together, Mr. Howarth and his colleagues conclude that the greenhouse gas footprint of shale gas can be as much as 20 percent greater than, and perhaps twice as high as, coal per unit of energy."
Read more at page one and at page two of Zeller's article.
Nothing exemplifies airy righteous
privilege like Hillary Clinton's brushing off questions by the use of
her dismissive laugh. The laugh, or derisive cackle, sends the
message, “It is preposterous that I am even being challenged or
questioned. Therefore, I don't need to answer your questions. I don't
need to give your questions the dignity of an answer.”
Aside from dismissing the interviewer's
questions, there are other reasons why she could be laughing. She is
deflecting questions that she would rather avoid answering. By
laughing at the questions she is changing the subject. Whereas her
husband could slip into difficult situations, and he would end up
giving awkward answers, and George H.W. Bush would deflect
insinuations of infidelity by formally refusing to answer the
question, Hillary Clinton is more adept at managing uncomfortable
questions. She just rejects those questions she does not want to
answer. Her laugh evades the awkwardness of a formal refusal or a
response that it is none of the questioner's business.
Perhaps Clinton is trying a maneuver
similar to neurolinguistic programming. In NLP speakers try to
manipulate voters' thinking. Her laughing at questions could succeed
in getting journalists or the general public to fall into line with
her dismissal. This worked particularly well with the reportage of
the Benghazi hearing. She laughed in response to a congresswoman's
question. And much of the media response was accompanied by headlines
adopting the idea that the congresswoman was inappropriate in asking
her questions, not that Clinton was inappropriate for her laugh.
But her laughing response to serious
questions is an insult on many levels. It is an insult to members of
Congress, to the press and to the electorate. Remember this as you
vote today.
Tuesday's weather will benefit
Bernie Sanders and the younger voters in New Hampshire's primary, as the storm
is concentrated all through that state, less so, neighboring Vermont
and Massachusetts. New Hampshire is due to have snowfall concentrated
in the overnight hours.
The snow's benefit to one candidate is expected, as inclement weather is expected to impair travel for older voters than it is for younger voters. Senator Bernie Sanders tends to benefit from younger voters, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tends to benefit from older voters.
The question is, whom do older and younger voters prefer in the Republican field?
Web sites have commented on how weather affects general election turnout. For example, see this piece from the Constitution Center, "Bad weather has track record of swinging some elections." But it is hard to find sites giving general analyses of weather effect patterns upon primary elections. We could expect that inclement weather lowers turnout in primary, as well as in general elections.
Snow or heavy rain probably makes Get Out the Vote harder in primaries, such as tomorrow's primary in New Hampshire.
Bizarrely, the media has some sort of obsession for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. He makes it into nearly every newscast. Yet, he's always been stuck in a third tier status.
Tonight in the Iowa Republican Caucus we have the terrific news that Chris Christie is in second to last place, at 2%, just topping psycho Rick Santorum.
So, the New York-based national media will have to give a whole lot less attention to Christie and even more attention to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, senators from southern states.
Aside from the news of Cruz, Trump, Rubio, Carson lead position of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place, the moderates, the voices of reason and maturity, Jeb Bush and John Kasich, failed to break 10%.
No moderate GOP candidate will likely, pull ahead, unless some huge turn around happens in the New Hampshire.
10:26 pm: CNN predicts that Texas Senator Ted Cruz has won the Iowa caucus.
"That was but a prelude; where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people also."
Apocrophal words of Heinrich Heine (1821) for the 20th, 21st century
On the occasion of the trashing of the Occupy Wall Street Library: "Das war ein Vorspiel nur, dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen." ("That was but a prelude; where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people also.")
Videographer Scott Campbell Describes Oakland PD Firing Rubber Bullets at Him
Judge Nelson Rejects Arrests of Occupy Nashville Protestors, This Defends Free Speech
Oakland Police Fire Light Grenade at Protestors Aiding Fallen Protestor
Occupy Wall Street - NYPD Gone Wild - Attacking Protesters With Motor Bikes